Bees and Wasps of Florida

By Holly Crespo Bees and wasps  are common in all parts of Florida. Of the 4,000 species of...

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Termite Swarming Season

By Holly Crespo The weather is getting warm and humid again and everything is greening back up now...

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The Dreaded Mosquito

By Holly Crespo School is starting and summer may be coming to end, but here in Florida the...

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Love to Hate The Love Bugs

By Holly Crespo Unless you have been living in a cave, you know that the massive infestation of love...

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Mosquitoes: More Than an Annoyance

By Holly Crespo Even though mosquitoes are a year-round problem here in Florida, the rainy summer months are...

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Cold Weather Pests in 2018

By Holly Crespo Even though most of the country is facing record low’s this season, the pests in Florida do...

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The Season of The Termite

By Holly Crespo he warm humid weather has arrived, and that also means termite swarming season is upon...

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Termite Awareness Week

By Holly Crespo This week, March 12 to the 18th is Termite Awareness Week. While this week will help to...

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Christmas Tree-Bugs The Unwanted Gift Under the Tree!

By Holly Crespo icking out the perfect tree for the holidays is part of the fun of the season. However,...

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Rats and Mice-The Unwanted Holiday Visitor

By Holly Crespo The Sunshine State is home to plenty of residents who only live down here during...

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